The Origin and Development of Diseases

According to Ayurvedic understanding, diseases are a signal that we have left our harmony. Every external symptom is merely the visible expression of an invisible process. Illness is therefore always an indication that something is wrong on our path. Through exceptions, we have been given opportunities to find our way back to balance. Our body's own intelligence is flexible enough to compensate for minor short-term influences on its own. For example, we feel the change of seasons. In the spring, the Kapha increases, as a result of which heaviness and moisture penetrate the organism. But as soon as it gets warm and brighter outside, i.e. the Pitta time dawns, colds and sluggishness also disappear. So far, our system adjusts itself. It gets more difficult when winter arrives and we don't get enough heat. Then Kapha spreads throughout the body. Now, at the latest, we need to reduce Kapha and take appropriate measures. for example, with warm, well-seasoned food, sufficient sport and activity. If we don't do this and the excess of Kapha still remains, Kapha will accumulate in the tissue. The body sends signals in the form of small complaints, emotional states or an illness. Although these signals are "normal" for many, they should be taken seriously because the body speaks to you. According to Ayurveda, illnesses always occur before serious symptoms arise. Although a heart attack appears to be an acute event, it usually has a long history. The reasons why Dohas get out of balance and we get sick are manifold and the symptoms must always be considered very carefully to find the cause.
The six stages of the development of diseases

1. Accumulation
The Doshas accumulate in the place of their origin. Vata multiplies in the large intestine and can lead to constipation and flatulence. Pitta accumulates in the small intestine and causes an increased body temperature. Kapha accumulates in the stomach, where it causes a feeling of lethargy and heaviness, as well as lack of appetite. At this stage, the body is still trying to regulate itself..

2. Expansion
As the Dosha increases, it continues to increase and develops a tendency to spread to other parts of the body. The symptoms then become clearer. An excess of Vata can cause increased movement in the intestines, possibly also stabbing back pain. Pitta produces more acid, so a person gets heartburn and is very thirsty. If Kapha gets out of hand, it fills the entire stomach area and stretches into the upper parts of the body. People develop a cough and mucus in their airways.
3. Extension
The Dosha now leaves the place of origin and begins to circulate throughout the body. Vata can be felt, for example, by gurgling noises. Too high Pitta can be noticeable by a burning in the feeling abdomen. The Pitta property of fire can lead to ignition. In Kapha's case a person's appetite is can completely be gone. The patient then feels tired and weak.

4. Fixation
While the excessive Dosha previously circulated in the areas of the gastrointestinal tract, it now settles in another, already weakened organ. This organ is now disturbed even more and a disease is in the offing.
5. Manifestation
The function of the organ is now so severely impaired that the disease becomes apparent. Symtoms appear.
6. Differentiation
At this last stage, the disease has become completely entrenched and significantly damaged the tissues. Secondary diseases can occur.
Prevention of Imbalances
In order to offer the body as few weak points as possible, a balanced lifestyle and mental strength are of exceptional importance. Mild or severe disorders must be understood at their core and appropriate treatment according to Ayurvedic principles can begin. You are welcome to book an appointment for a personal consultation so that we can support you on your way to recovery.