Nadis and the Pranic Body

In Pranayama practices (Yogic breathwork) we use the breath to guide the Prana (life force) to move in the way we need. We accumulate Prana in our subtle body (pranic body) and become more and more aware of the information that is travelling along the energy channels - Our Nadis
The Role of Nadis in Asanas

The ancient Yogic practices are known to strengthen body and mind and bring vitality into our system. In Asanas (physical exercise) we incorporate the right breathing (qualities of breath) and body locks (Bandhas) to direct the energy in our body and give the movements and postures purpose and deep meaning. Without the right mindset and breath, it would be merely sports, not Yoga. Our Nadis carry the energy throughout our system and provide us with potential unlimited power. In static practice, like in Hatha Yoga the postures can be held for long time, from minutes to hours. When the Nadis are clean and can transport the Prana that we need, we can hold the postures effortlessly and don´t exhaust at all. This is also why Hatha can be used to clean trauma and toxins from our physical tissue that stores various information.
Nadis carry Prana and subtle Information

The Nadis are energy channels that are subtle in nature and run through the whole body, alongside and similar to our nervous system. They are invisible to the eye unless you can see in lower spectrums of light (astral reading). With practice and expanded awareness you can feel them, their location, their activity and nature and learn to control the flow of energy there. The Yogis and sages speak about 72 000 Nadis in our body or sometimes about 144 000 Nadis when they count both sides of the body separately. These channels intersect, build knots and are always connected to our energy centers (Chakras).
Nadis and the Manifestation of Reality

The Nadis transport information from our mind (also the subconscious mind) to our physical form. From the subtle movement in the mind a thought is expressed in neuronal activity. The nerves activate our glands that form the matching biochemistry in our system. Muscles react and we exert behaviour. But the Nadis transport more subtle information, our believes, our memories, all the subconscious programming that influences our genome and most of all - Prana. When we eat, our body breaks down the food into smaller compartments, splits it up so we can access the energy in the food. With pranic energy we can skip that process and bring the energy directly into our cells. We eat Prana as all matter is formed from energy.
Information in Nadis form our life

The Nadis are facilitators of moving epigenetic information to our DNA and thus play a huge role in the gene expression, our well-being, our physiology, hormone states and behaviour. They direct our life energy to the wanted regions and make all body cells in our body talk to one another. Working with Nadis and learning how to enrich and control our vital energy (Prana) gives us the power to become the masters of our life, inside and outside. While there are so many Nadis, in Pranayama we start to work with the main three Nadis, our biggest and easiest to detect energy channels.
The main three Nadis and our Nervous System

Shushumna Nadi
Inside our spine the biggest energy channel is located. Shushumna Nadi connects our Chakras along the spine and is responsible to commune between these energy centres and to let energy flow down (rooting) as well as up (elevated states of mind, meditation). It connects our worldly existence with our higher awareness. To actively address Shushumna Nadi, there are many approaches. Meditation as well as breathing techniques help harmonizing and cleaning our biggest energy channel. When we work with Shushumna we always address our Vagus Nerve as well and create multiple health benefits with simple exercises.
Night and Day - Ida and Pingala Nadi
Alongside our Shushumna Nadi there are Ida and Pingala Nadi which represent the lunar and solar aspects of our system. The Nadis are well known in all spiritual traditions as are the Chakras. You may find different words to describe their function as Yin and Yang or female and male. These two Nadis are connected with our autonomous nervous system that rules over the activation of different processes in our system, mentally and physically.
Ida Nadi
Ida Nadi runs alongside the left side of the spine and activates our healing, nurturing and restorative programs. It connects to the right side of the brain (right hemisphere) where our personality, creative and holistic thinking take place. When we activate Ida, the mind opens up and we have access to higher awareness, creativity and feel a deep calmness. Whenever we relax, whenever we go to sleep our Ida Nadi is in charge. Without Ida we cannot heal nor recreate our energy. Thus, Ida Nadi activation is key element to Yogic practices. There is no Meditation, Yoga Nidra or real Hatha without Ida.
Pingala Nadi
As our world has day and night, also our system is able to change from passiveness into activity. Pingala Nadi is responsible for all power expressing actions. Whenever we exercise, when we have to handle an acute problem (fight) or are hungry, our Pingala Nadi is active. It runs alongside the right side of the spine and is connected to the left side of the brain (left hemisphere), where factual knowledge and clear thinking are happening. Without Pingala activity, no work, no food intake, no planning are possible. The logic and understanding that we need to function in this world is facilitated through Pingala activation.
Pranayama - Control of Energy

To choose in which state we want to be in takes some training. When we learn to switch from one state to another at will, we learn how to control our state of physical and mental being. Our emotions and thoughts start to move in the wanted way. Our biochemistry lies in our hands and is not only triggered by external factors. The ability to change from active to passive and vice versa has huge health impacts, as it changes our Heart rate variability as well as our resilience and inner strength.
Why is Yoga so effective and the benefits so holistic?

The ancient Yogic practices are known to strengthen body and mind and bring vitality into our system. In Asanas (physical exercise) we incorporate the right breathing (qualities of breath) and body locks (Bandhas) to direct the energy in our body and give the movement purpose and deep meaning. Without the right mindset and breath, it would be merely sports, not Yoga. The effects of Yogic practices are marvellous. By harmonizing our Ida and Pingala Nadis, we also harmonize our autonomous nervous system. Systemic disorders can clean out and we come back to overall health. Our creativity and our strength to bring our ideas into reality are balanced and we become whole from the inside.