Fever is our magical weapon
We all know what it feels like to have fever. Our whole-body aches, yes even the teeth and the hair can give us pain. We´re really ill and need to lie down. Why is that happening? Our body uses increased temperature to get rid of pathogens which react much easier to higher temperature than our billions of helpers and friends, our microbiome full with essential bacteria and viruses. When a pathogen, an ill making microorganism, is detected, a cascade of defence systems is triggered. Most infectious events go unnoticed as the first measures work well when the immune system is strong. But if that´s not enough, the drastic fiery method is used. Via the increased temperature a release of silver ions into the blood is initiated. These ions are toxic to pathogens and work like antibiotics. When the bad guys are killed with silver and the battlefield clears, our body goes back tour normal temp which is 37° Celsius or 98,6 ° Fahrenheit. We´re healthy again. Our immune system has learned more and gotten more resilient and flexible towards possible future threats.
Reduced body temperature can lead to diseases

We also know what it is like to get too cold. When it is cold our body is so intelligent that it draws the warmth into the core, towards our organs while our feet and hands can get extremely cold without dying off. This is how our vital functions are kept going even in extreme situations. When we´re out of the cold or blood vessels will widen again and the juice of life comes back to our limbs. With too long exposure to the cold, some problems start to occur. The lack of energy in the tissues can lead to diseases; we catch a cold which means that pathogens in our body took the chance of our weakness (cold body) to flourish. Then we need the fever to produce silver again in order to bring the pathogens back to a minimum which is tolerable for our immune system.
We stay healthy via thermoregulation
So, you can see that in both cases the body regulates back to the optimal temperature. Maintaining 37°C is essential and for all life functions, our physiology, our biochemistry, our cell-to-cell-communication, the hormone secretion as well as neuronal activity. As 37 degrees is our lives temperature which should be held to have optimal circumstances to thrive and stay healthy, the body temp is a very good predictor towards overall health.
We are getting colder in the last decades

But in the last decades the average temp of the human body has declined! How is that possible? The causes are various and encompass toxins, lifestyle, nutrition as well as radiation. This dangerous development is sadly no isolated event but goes hand in hand with the astounding development of less and less water in the human body. Both developments are shortening life and increasing the risk of falling ill.
Is your body temperature too low? Key aspects of Hypothermia

Let´s look at the effects of too low body temperature. When the body temperature declines, first, the processes to keep up life are slowed down. So, the response to that imminent threat is to preserve energy. The biochemical reaction time increases which means that your physical resilience and flexibility decline as well. For a short amount of time, like a snow ball fight, this is no problem at all and will cause stress and learning in your immune system, increasing your resilience. But when the temperature stays down for months and years, you will not only have a dysfunctional biochemistry but also feel the effects of that. Detoxification, and rejuvenation processes are slowed down and all-over immune function is impaired. The outcomes are manifold and the decreased body temp plays a villain role in all diseases as it impairs all needed physiological processes. With only one degree Celsius less in your everyday body temperature you have lack of 50% of enzymatic function. This results in various symptoms:
Lack of motivation
Feeling cold
Detoxification is inhibited, toxins accumulate in the body
Healing and tissue growth is dampened
Decline of fertility
Enzyme function declines 50% with 1 degree less
Vital force declines 50%
Lack of physical strength
Declining mental resilience
Burn out
Autonomous nervous system gets imbalanced leading to stress
Libido declines
Motivation to move declines
Going outside declines
Happiness declines
The sum of effects lead to an impaired immune system which leaves us vulnerable to all sorts of infections and also development of chronic diseases. Overall, it shortens your life and reduces your life quality.
10 Insights to raise your temperature again

The easiest way to get back to natural body temperature is to change behaviour and nutrition, also known as the holistic or Ayurvedic approach. Start with heating your body up via kinetic energy.
1. Exercise!
Move your body so. That you heat up. That will not only help to regulate your body temperature up but also reduces stress and enhances detoxification processes. It increases resilience in body and mind, increases testosterone which leads to a robust libido and works against fatigue.
2. Eat tempered foods
Make things easier for your body and take in foods and liquor in the right temperature. Avoid cold drinks, especially with food intake, as the body needs a lot of energy to heat the stomach up to 37°C in order to digest and have the enzymes in our system working at the optimal. Eat tempered foods, not too hot to touch and as warm as the body. Caution!! Sugar also reduces your body temperature. It makes the tissue sour and damages our brain, enhances cancer and pathogenic fungi, makes us moody and addicted. Try honey or fruits instead and reduce the white sugar intake to zero.
3. Learn to breathe naturally again

Breathing well sounds like nothing but actually a normal breathing pattern is as essential for overall health as rarely seen in unhealthy people. Without knowing MOST people have a distorted breathing pattern and don´t use the main breathing muscle enough. When the diaphragm doesn´t move well, our abdominal organs. lack energy, blood circulation, detoxification and nutrition resorption. But the centre of our immune system resides in our belly. Wrong breathing always leads to an impaired immune system and increasing stress levels in body and mind. The tissue gets sour which promotes cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Rebuild your diaphragm and restore a normal and life supporting breathing pattern again by learning how to breathe diaphragmatically again.
4. Warm up your body tissues

The best way to sustainably warm up the body is sunlight. With enough exposure to natural light, we receive different rays of energy. The body tissues get warmed up and stores that energy. Sunbathing effects last longer that going to sauna or sitting under infrared light. Anyhow, in modern times we might not have the opportunity to sunbathe or go out enough during the day. Then, sauna or infrared light can be very good substitutes. Studies show the immense health benefits of regular visits to a sauna and infrared research has proven that you can reduce inflammation and pain as well es pathogens in the body via infrared light exposure. The rays go deeper into the tissue and create and longer lasting heating effect.
5. Detox your body

A major driver for constant Hypothermia is environmental toxins. Our body has wonderful detoxification powers and pathways to deal with outside threats as poison. The problem is the increasing mass of those toxins. We´re over 200 000 listed toxins that are present in our daily life and the number is increasing every day. With these amounts of attack on our system our body needs help. That it´s overwhelming for our system shows clearly in various diseases. Neurodegenerative diseases have been on the rise for decades now peaking in 80% of those diseases in adults as well as in children is caused by massive poisoning. Detoxification of heavy and light metals is the essential step to come back to health. Two things need to be observed: First remove the toxins from your life and secound go through a detoxification protocol and keep it up to protect yourself from damage, illness and premature death.
6. Substitute lifestyle medicine with healthy lifestyle

We can be glad that for every ailment there is pill we can take as a quick fix or in emergencies. Medicine has saved many lives but sadly the table has turned we see now that a lot of diseases and deaths are CAUSED by modern medicine. Overall, painkillers, antibiotics and antipyretic medicine have a freezing quality. The pathogen is not removed but frozen and becomes inactive. But not only the pathogen is affected but all our body, reducing body temperature. Short term exposure is easily handled by our system but constant intake of chemical medicine is a predictor for chronic diseases and will not help you in the long term. Nature provides natural antibiotics and all sorts of herbs to treat any disease. Look into the Ayurvedic approach of holistic healing, understand the root cause of your problem and solve it with the unlimited power of nature. Most things can. Be fixed with the right nutrition and some behavioural adaptions.
7. Have fevers
Having fever is a natural reaction of the body to kill off pathogens. We might feel weak and sweaty but a normal fever subsides after a couple of hours, latest after a few days. It leaves you with an upgrade of your immune system, you have become stronger and more resilient and are better equipped for future infections. Without fevers our immune system doesn´t develop normally, stops learning and makes us much more vulnerable. While we might enjoy a feverless sleep or drag ourselves to work with the help of pills, we pay high price for that convenience later in life. Let nature take the wheel, trust your body, we made it through extreme circumstances in our evolution and a can overcome everything!
8. Avoid toxins in vaccines

As part of modern medicine vaccines have firm place in medica treatment. As helpful as some vaccines might be, sadly the doses are heavily loaded with nerve damaging substances like aluminium. The doses have increased over decades and a shockingly connection between vaccines and neurodegenerative diseases has been found. In children you can see a ridiculous increase of mental disturbances as their brains are less protected during their development and the effects on a growing brain are even graver than in adults. But we all are affected by these side effects, grown up develop Alzheimer earlier now and the mental, stress-related diseases are exploding. Now, vaccines are not the only source of light and heavy metals but put directly into our tissues and blood stream means circumventing all the natural barriers and protective systems that we have. The impact thus is massive. In case you received a vaccine take care of detoxifying your body from these metals to avoid neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and much more. The cooling down properties of these toxins lowers our temperature and impair the natural detox process.
9. Wear natural fabric

To keep our body temperature at the optimum, we need some energy. Everything that draws energy from us should be avoided. The artificial clothes we wear these days are damaging our body without us noticing. Polyester, Nylon and other artificial tissues have a different signature of energy than our body, and a much lower one. But all in nature is moving towards balance. Naturally our body trues to level this gap and loses vibrational energy. In order to not only keep your energy but even elevate it, you should wear natural fabrics like linen, wool, or cotton.
10. Love is the language of life

When someone is in need, having an illness or an emotional problem our mirror neurons allow us to understand their emotions. Empathy is a power that all living beings share. We behave kindly and try to help, hive love and affection the ones in pain. It is not a human quality alone, but animals show the same behaviour that promotes life itself. Gentle physical touch causes a cascade of hormonal changes in our body. The effect is strong and changes our physiological processes as well as our mental activity. We feel different and behave differently. As simple as a hug or cuddling can be done as massive are the effects of physical affection on our system. The blood circulation increases, we relax more, stress hormones decline and binding hormones are released. We can detox faster and the healing processes speed up tremendously. Let the power of love become a stable companion in your health regiment. You will be better and definitely feel better.