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The Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

The Sitting Position in Yoga

Discover the profound benefits of Siddhasana in our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy. This seated posture promotes stability, grounding, and deep focus during meditation practice. Join us to enhance your meditation experience

Siddhasana (Sanskrit: सिद्धासन siddhāsana n.) Siddhasana is a Sanskrit term that consists of two words: Siddha means the perfect one, referring to the Siddhas, Asana means position ore posture. Siddhasana is therefore the perfect sitting posture or the meditation seat of the perfect. However, this is rather a position for men. Women in this case practice Siddha Yoni Asana. It differs from Siddhasana only in the matter of where the left heel is placed. Both will be introduced further down.

Health Benefits of Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana

1. The Advantages of Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana for Hip Joint

Siddhasana for Healthy Hip Joints - Join our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy and experience the benefits of Siddhasana. This seated posture helps open and strengthen the hip joints, improving flexibility and stability for your meditation practice. Enhance your well-being today

Maintaining optimal hip movement and flexibility is crucial to prevent limitations in daily activities. As per different studies (read Gurmule Study) practicing Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana can contribute to strengthening the ligaments that connect tissues to the bones and joints of the hip. Additionally, Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana may aid in stretching the muscles surrounding the hip joint, promoting increased flexibility and stability.


If you are experiencing issues with your hip joint, it is advisable to consult with a professional before attempting Siddhasana or any other Yoga practices in such a condition. We can provide personalized recommendations and advice based on your individual needs and circumstances, assisting you in effectively addressing any hip joint issues you may be experiencing. In any case you feel pain in any joint in this position please get out of it and attain a more relaxed pose. You can prepare for advanced sitting positions by opening your hips from the front as well as from the backside and step by step advance to Siddhasana or Siddha Yoni Asana.

2. The Benefits of Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana for Psoriasis

Siddhasana for Psoriasis Relief - Discover the healing power of Siddhasana through our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy. This seated posture stimulates blood circulation and balances energy flow, promoting skin health and alleviating symptoms of psoriasis. Start your journey to wellness now

Incorporation of Yoga practices can help with skin problems like Psoriasis. Research conducted by Singh (Study) suggests that specific yoga positions, such as Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana, have the potential to reduce inflammation within the body. Furthermore, these practices have been linked to stress reduction and the promotion of immune system equilibrium, which can aid in the management of Psoriasis. It is to be noted that the skin condition is a mirror for other inflammatory occurrences within our body. The whole immune system gains by adding Yogic practice into your health treatment.

3. The Positive Impact of Siddhasana and Siddha on Digestive Disorders

Siddhasana for Digestive Health - Join our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy and experience the benefits of Siddhasana. This seated posture aids in improving digestion, relieving digestive disorders, and promoting overall digestive health. Start your wellness journey today

Research conducted by D`Silva (Study) show that Yoga, such as Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana, has been shown to be effective in managing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Khadkutkars (Study) also demonstrated that incorporating Yoga practices like Siddhasana or and Siddha Yoni Asana can be an effective approach in managing a digestive disorder called amalpitta, which is characterized by increased acid production in the stomach. Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana, along with other Yoga poses, have the potential to improve the digestion and elimination processes, thereby enhancing the overall balance of pitta in the stomach. When integrating Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana, it is advisable to do so under the guidance of a qualified instructor or trainer. They can provide appropriate instructions, modifications, and ensure that the practice is suitable for your specific condition.

4. The Positive Impact of Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana on Mental Well-being

Siddhasana for Mental Health - Discover the power of Siddhasana in our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy. This seated posture enhances mental well-being, promotes inner peace, and helps manage stress and anxiety. Prioritize your mental health with us today!

According to different studies (Study), incorporating Yoga Asanas, like Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana, into one's routine can serve as a strong approach to manage stress, tension, and anxiety. Different Yoga Asanas, such as Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana demonstrated substantial effects on anxiety in nearly all of the studies reviewed. It can influence and modify stress reactions, as well as an individual's overall resilience toward stress. Furthermore, practicing Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana may contribute to boosting self-esteem and fostering a sense of well-being, promoting feelings of peace and relaxation.

5. Benefits of Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana for Blood Pressure

Siddhasana for Blood Pressure - Join our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy to experience the benefits of Siddhasana. This seated pose aids in regulating blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health, and cultivating a calm and balanced state of being. Start your journey today

According to studies (read Study by Pal) it was demonstrated that Siddhasana and Siddha Yoni Asana have the potential to effectively regulate blood pressure. The subjects who practiced Yoga for three months experienced a notable reduction in systolic blood pressure, which refers to the pressure exerted by the blood on the arterial walls. Siddhasana redirects the flow of blood towards the lower spine and abdomen, resulting in the toning of the lumbar region, pelvis, and abdominal organs. Additionally, it brings about a balance in the energies within the reproductive system and can help improve blood pressure concerns. Moreover, Siddhasana serves to stabilize and purify sexual energy.

How to perform Siddha Yoni Asana

Siddhasana for Health - Discover the transformative power of Siddhasana through our Meditation Training at Yoga Science Academy. This pose improves posture, enhances flexibility, and promotes overall well-being. Join us for a holistic approach to health and meditation. Start your journey today

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out in front of you. Bend the right leg and lay the sole of the foot flat against the inner thigh. The heel presses against the groin. Align the body so that you feel acceptable pressure from the right heel against the groin. Bend the left leg and slide the left toes into the gap between the lower and thigh. Grasp your right toes and pull them up between your left lower leg and thigh. The left heel rests on the right heel and creates a slight pressure against the groin. Align the body so that you sit comfortably. Check that your knees and upper legs are firmly on the floor. Straighten the spine and feel firmly connected to the ground.

How to perform Siddhasana

Siddhasana is a seated posture in which one heel is positioned between the genital organ and the anus, while the other heel rests on the pubis. This Asana has a beneficial impact on two specific pranic reflex points. One heel rests, where the three important energy channels - Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna - converge, and where the lower part of the Kanda, the energy reservoir that extends from the pelvic floor deep into the abdomen, is situated.


There are various variations of Siddhasana, such as having the legs slightly apart with gently touching heels, or sitting almost on the heel with the foot slightly angled backward, while the other heel maintains a similar position. It may take some practice to ensure proper alignment of the pelvis and avoid discomfort. The second heel can be positioned with the back of the foot against the thigh, or the edge of the foot between the lower leg and thigh. Some practitioners may only have their toes in that space, allowing the heel to touch the pubic bone. Exploring these variations will help to find a comfortable and effective Siddhasana posture.

Spiritual Science

The second foot is positioned in front of the Swadhisthana Chakra. Placing the heel at this point stimulates the Saraswati Nadi, an energy channel located at the front of the body, which corresponds to the Sushumna. This positioning also facilitates the upward flow of prana through the Sushumna, while reducing its flow through the anterior Saraswati Nadi. Siddhasana is particularly well-suited for pranayama practices and serves as a beneficial posture for meditation.

When considering the integration of Yoga, including Siddhasana, it is recommended to undertake such practices under the supervision of a qualified instructor. This ensures that the techniques are performed correctly and safely, with appropriate modifications tailored to individual needs.

Learn at the Yoga Science Academy

If you wish to explore more about the power of Siddhasana and the applications, please reach out or visit our Pranayama Trainings online,or our Pranayama courses in Nepal, and in Europe. For specific applications and needs you can make a counseling appointment and find your personalized holistic Yogic practice.

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