Free Lectures
What is Pranayama
Pranayama an ancient yogic practice, the eighth limb of Ashtanga Yoga and a critical practice to increase and sublimate Prana, our vital force. Its goal is to attain mental, physical and spiritual health in order to meditate and elevate awareness to enlightenment. It focuses mainly on controlling and regulating the breath to enhance the flow of Prana, With Pranayama you detox all body tissues but also remove mental blocks, such as trauma and believe-systems.

1 min
Makarasana Introduction - Free Lecture

Makarasana, a Pranayama Breathing Techinque, also known as the crocodile pose, is a simple and powerful practice to train the main breathing muscle and develop a healthy abdominal breathing pattern. It brings relaxation and release of tension in the body, promotes spinal alignment, relieves back pain, and reduces stress and anxiety. It strengthens the diaphragm and increases lung capacity leading to faster detoxification and healing. Click video to play
4 min
Ayurveda - Free Lecture
8 min
Ayurveda is an ancient holistic healing system based on Sankya Philosophy. No illness in the body and being happy is our normal state of being and all symptoms are signs of an imbalance in any of our layers, caused by outer or inner disturbances. In Ayurveda after a thorough analysis, the origin of dis-ease gets treated. By removing the disturbances, body, mind and spirit balance back to their natural harmony. Of course, every treatment has to individualized so that through lifestyle adjustments and applications, the root causes of ailments get addressed rather than merely alleviating symptoms. It incorporates various techniques, including herbal remedies or dietary adjustments for optimizing digestion, detoxification to support the immune system, yoga practices to enhance mental clarity and promoting emotional balance.