Welcome to the way back into your beloved sleep. Do you remember when you would smilingly crawl into your bed and let sleep engulf you gently? How you woke up in the morning boosting with energy, ready to seize the day? For many people these are merely childhood memories and the sacred sleep, our recovery and healing time, has become a nightmare. In our Deep Sleep - Course, we focus on physiological and mental aspects of sleep and how to counter sleeping disorders and problems. We combine modern research, ancient techniques and specific detoxification protocols to holistically recreate our body and calm the mind to finally sleep again.

Chronical Sleeping Disorders or Insomnia
Problems falling asleep
Problems sleeping through
Nightmares and Night terror
Sleep paralysis
Problems waking up
Exhaustion and Fatigue
Stress and Stress-disorders
Circling thoughts
Brain fog
Psychosomatic diseases
Depressive moods
Your teacher, Elli Ji, is a human biologist specialized in brain research and behavioural biology. Her personal experience with sleeping disorders have opened up her path towards deeper studies of sleep, dreams and states of awareness at the University of Vienna and in several research groups. With long years of experience in the Yogic Sciences from Nepal and India she dived even deeper into the ancient knowledge of sleep to cure the sleeping disorders of people around the world. Today she also trains teachers in Yoga Nidra and helps doctors and health practitioners to widen their spectrum of curing applications.

put yourself to sleep
regulate your autonomous nervous system
relax fully to sleep deep
control your brainwaves
take your first steps towards lucid dreaming
do detoxification
breathe in a healthy way
centre yourself quickly
reduce snoring and apnoea during the night
calm your mind through breathing exercises
use Yogic techniques to conquer a troubled mind
develop a regular sleeping routine
integrate the practice into daily life
1-hour personal assessment interview
over 24 hours of video material, lectures and guided techniques for your deep sleep
10 hours guidance included
Access to all recorded lectures for 30 days
Access to all guided methods for 30 day
Detoxification protocols
Live Online Group Sessions
Small groups for high quality (max. 10 people)
Questions are answered every session
Personal needs are taken into account
2 Sessions MP4 guidance for download
Adaption of techniques for individual needs
Handouts and worksheets
Homework exercises
Optional Trauma lecture

We all have unique life stories and situations. Before the Course starts you will have a personal talk with Elli Ji. Knowing your life situation and personal needs is important to guide you through the Seminar. She may give you additional recommendations, adaptions of practices or specific recipes for your overall betterment to guarantee the best benefit for each student. The personal consultation for 150 Euros is included in the course.
Every session we will have lectures to understand the biological and psychological background of sleep. Each day we go deeper into the topic and learn how to relax and work with our brainwaves. After that, we have long guided exercises to calm the nerves and find back into sleep. Over time you will learn which method suits you best to put yourself to rest. You will have MP4 recordings of guided techniques and handouts to refresh your memory. It´s recommended to take notes and ask all the questions that arise for you. You decide your own pace. The Videos will be available for a whole month to re-watch or watch at your most feasible time. You can practice with the guidance whenever you have time and find your own pace in daily application.

In the beginning of every session, you can ask all questions remaining from the former session and share your experiences. The personal guidance and support are essential to clear all questions and adapt practices for your individual needs.
In the lecture part, we discuss important topics about sleep and how todays technique works. We have to erase all doubts and create a motivation for your practice. All the facts are meant for that, the techniques are applied easier when we understand how and why something works.
In the third part of each meeting, we practice together. Step by step the techniques build up, get longer and more intense. Each time another technique is introduced, so over time you will find out the very best approach for yourself.
During the week you have access to the recordings of the guidance. Every day application is needed in the beginning to change the physiology and train the mind to recover again. This course is designed for people who want to take their health and happiness into their own hands. Independently, you will be able to tackle not only sleeplessness but also other stressful life situations, fears and sorrows. To apply the technique every day is essential to allow the mind and body to relearn the natural way. Your willingness to change and become healthy again is needed. For health practitioners who want to integrate the Yogic knowledge and practices into their treatments it´s as well important to go through the training and understand what it does in your own skin.

Only from real life experience we can teach and guide others. In our application of the techniques, we can observe how they work. You will have some understanding in the back of your mind through the lectures. But the magic only unfolds while doing something. The techniques will teach you more than any book or lecture can convey. Your teacher, Elli Ji, brings a vast knowledge into the training. But the dedicated guidance stems from her own path through sleeplessness into deep healing.
We will meet on Weekends to have enough space and time to practice together. The hours will be from 8:45 am (CEST/CET) until Noon. Each Session takes 3 hours. We will have 15 minutes break before the therapeutic part of the Session. The bladder should be empty for our practice together. You have enough time to arrange your tools and make yourself comfortable.
Checkout the time zone

For the lectures you need a comfortable sitting position, a pen and paper to take notes. For the practice you need
Yoga mat (or body-sized blanket for the floor)
a blanket or shal to cover yourself a towel
a dark shirt or cloth to put onto your eyes
a heavy book/a hot-water bottle/a sand sack
For an expert guidance and personal support you can pay a lot at a doctor or a therapist. This course is held very cheap, so that everyone can afford it. The small group-size (max. 10 people) guarantees you the personal care you need for your healing. The personal consultation and individual support are included. On top you have access to all recordings, lectures and guided sessions for one month. You can download the Recordings of 2. Sessions to keep your practice up for the rest of your life. The handouts are for download and revisit whenever needed.
With 19,16 Euros / Hour you have a Course fee of 479,- Euros

We live in demanding times where many changes occur on a daily basis. Sometimes we need what we cannot afford right now. For that we want to offer you the chance to pay in instalments and help you with your situation. For an instalment plan please contact us here info@yogascience.online. We will always find a solution for everyone who wants to learn and heal.
Good Sleep-Good Health - Our sleep is one of the pillars of our health. When the sleep is disturbed, our bodily functions are impaired and we don´t feel as energetic and capable as we could. During the night hours our bodily functions change towards healing, cleaning and growing. For these rejuvenating processes to happen we need enough rest altogether and deep sleep phases during the night.

“Who spends too much time during the night on the problems of tomorrow will be too tired to solve them the next day.”
- Rainer Haak -
Without our daily regeneration through healthy sleep, toxins pile up in our body leading to secondary ailments as digestion disturbances, skin disorders or allergies. Changes in the acidity can cause strong digestion problems from constipation, to diarrhoea or gas accumulating. Pain, cramps and food intolerances arise. Not only the digestion is affected when the vegetative nervous system is out of balance. The heart rate and blood pressure tend to rise extremely with impaired sleep, so cardiovascular diseases occur more often. It is estimated that the vast majority of illnesses have a psychosomatic cause and are directly stress related (Study) Inflammatory processes, autoimmune disorders, coronary heart diseases, chronic pain and cancer are only a few results of sleep deprivation that are worth mentioning.
Our brain needs to recover. Without sleep we cannot integrate memories and loose the concept of ourselves. Dragging oneself through life is without joy. We cannot thrive nor use our full potential; our talents rot. Long term exhaustion can build up to burn-out and even cause depression. It triggers Alzheimer disease and other neuro-degenerative ailments. Being dispersed and having scattered thoughts is normal after an exhausting night. If that is our daily life, a shift in the autonomous nervous system can happen. We stay in a stress response for most of our time, our inner state is alert and fearful, maybe even aggressive. Creativity and open-mindedness are silent when we are in perceived danger. While we live in stress, caused by exhaustion, the mind narrows and we cannot think clearly. Finding new solutions to problems is almost impossible. Everything unknown seems to be overwhelming as we cannot access our intelligence nor inspiration. With good sleep you can regain access to your innate talents and prowess. Whatever life presents to you, you can face it with confidence and optimism. How that affects your personal life is manifold, your relationships can thrive and your skills develope further throughout life.

“Sleep is the best Meditation”
- Dalai Lama -

Taking care of a sound sleep is essential to live a healthy life. When we change from sleeping disorders to regenerating sleep, we can feel the shift in our body and mind alike. Everything that seemed to be lost is coming back and you may feel like new born. In reality you are just getting normal gain. Many illnesses and mental problems just subside when we give our system the chance to self-regulate again. Good nights lead to good days which lead to a life you can create as you wish, follow your dreams and achieve your personal goals.