Yoga Nidra Online Course Level II
Advanced Yoga Nidra at Yoga Science Academy
In the second Yoga Nidra Online Course we will go deeper into the magic of the divine practice. The course will be comprised of lectures and practice. In the Yoga Nidra lectures we will deepen the understanding of vibration, epigenetic, manifestation processes, and trauma to mention a few. You should get a thorough understanding why and how Yoga Nidra works and how you can personalize your own Yoga Nidra practice or design a holistic Yoga Nidra program for a whole group.

Yoga Nidra Online Course Level II - What you will learn
Brainwaves and states of awareness
Practice with Mantra – how and why
The Pineal gland and the third eye centre
Accessing free will
The faculties of the mind
Free vs. fate, how can we access our free will
Sleep and dreams
Cleaning trauma and releasing information
Origin and healing of diseases
Environmental toxins and ways to protect and cleanse
Important aspects of teaching Yoga Nidra
Preparation of a session and combination with other techniques

Additional Focus Areas
Integration of Mantra into the practice
Cleaning and activating chakras
Third eye practice
Prana flow

Deepen Your Yoga Nidra Practice
By practicing what you´ve learned in Yoga Nidra I at our Yoga Science Academy, you are used to lie down for longer period of time now and mastered not to fall asleep during the practice. The sessions will get longer and we will work more keenly with the flow of Prana and explore different applications for different constitutions and needs. Breath awareness, relaxation and Prana flow will be part of the Yoga Nidra practice as well as a short Meditation in sitting position.

Audio files for personal practice
For your personal practice you will get the audio files of the different sequences to explore in your best time and space. Every session provides you with a unique experience. I recommend to train more intensely during the Program and practice Yoga Nidra at least once per day. In the evening you can always guide yourself to deeper sleep or into a lucid state of mind.

Learn how to teach and guide Yoga Nidra
Apart from the lectures at the Yoga Science Academy we will speak about how to structure and guide a Yoga Nidra session. Aspects of who you are teaching as well as preparation for a most effective session will be explained. In the end you should be confident to guide yourself, personalize a practice for a single person or design a course for a whole group of individuals.
You will all guide a small session of relaxation and Yoga Nidra online within our group of students. You will all get a chance to apply the learned in a live session. You can choose any technique and feel comfortable with what you´ve refined for yourself. Guiding friends during a sacred practice is an intimate, beautiful and humbling experience. This sharing event among friends and shall provide the space to explore the “teachers seat” and be a pleasurable start into your teaching Yoga Nidra.

We will meet every weekend on Saturday and Sunday. Every time a new technique will be introduced. The scientific and spiritual background will be explained and then applied. All sessions will be recorded and you will have access to the videos, sequences and guidances in your personal Video Library, so you can watch again or at another time. You can write your questions and observations into the comments and I will cover them in the next session or reply right away. Every Wednesday we will meet in the morning to practice together. Also, these sessions are recorded and will be available for you.

About your Teacher Elli, MSc
Elli Ji, the founder of the Yoga Science Academy, has a classic scientific
background, studied biology and human biology in Germany. Already during
her studies she was looking for a holistic understanding of life. What is mind,
where is it, what is personality, what is behavior, how does it arise, is there
free will and how do we use our tools to create a healthy, fulfilling and
happy life? At 13 she began her own meditation practice and over many
years learned to explore different states of mind. Monotheistic religions
opened further avenues into Far Eastern philosophies of life. The urge for
knowledge made her immerse herself in many areas and broaden her
horizons, to find answers that could not be found in textbooks. Forensic
medicine, behavioral endocrinology and brain research brought to light
some broadened questions regarding consciousness, the advances in
quantum and astrophysics demanded a holistic classification of all
available knowledge.
Eventually the path led to India, where she was welcomed by the spirit
of yoga. In the yoga tradition, the old Vedic knowledge, the entanglement
and holistic view of body, mind and soul, she was not only able to find
answers to lifelong questions, but also complete instructions for the
human being with all aspects. Since then, the Vedic knowledge, the yogic
teachings and the application of the insights have been the central point
of her work and personal development. Through my own experiences with
the most serious illnesses and an unsuccessful search for a cure through
Western medicine, my knowledge of traditional healing methods expanded. Training in traditional Chinese medicine, Reiki, hypnosis and herbalism expanded the understanding of cause and effect, the laws of nature and the mechanism of self-healing. For many years she followed an individual healing path, that through understanding. logic and natural knowledge. She went through several training courses in yoga, pranayama, Ayurveda, as well as mental yogic practices such as yoga nidra and meditation, and spent a long time in various ashrams (monasteries) in India. Elli Hatha has been teaching Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Spiritual Anatomy, Sacred Geometry and Ayurveda in various settings for years. She leads trainings in Yoga Nidra, Meditation and Pranayama as well as holistic yoga teacher trainings in Nepal and in Europe. In private sessions she advises individuals on their individual goals, creating individual programs using yogic techniques. personal consultations.
Her vision is a world where common knowledge about health and spirituality is normal. This fact will make the world a higher vibrational place, a place with less violence, deeper insights and a fulfillment for every walk of life. Each one of us can become a bearer of sacred knowledge and bring the light of our ancestors into our time.

Fees and payment
Everybody should have access to knowledge and learning. I keep the prices low and take personal circumstances into account. In case you meet any difficulties with the payment please contact me here info@Yogascience.online and we will find a solution. In special cases you have the chance to do the payment in instalments. The price would remain the same.

How does it work?
You register for the course and send me your SKYPE name. I will add you to the group and you receive a call every time we meet for life practice.
After the session you have access to the video for one month to watch again or at your perfect time. Handouts will be posted into the group for download every class as well as a guided Pranayama practice for everyday application.